Olive Bright on BookishFirst


Personally, I have been counting down to the release of Olive Bright, Pigeoneer for MONTHS, but it’s just now getting to the exciting part. Only two months and two days until Release Day, and things are happening!  Several big-shot, tastemaking authors have blurbed the book, and Kirkus has called it “delightful.”  And now, BookishFirst is offering readers the opportunity to get their hands on a copy!

They’ve posted a “get excited” preview of the book on their website, and starting on November 2nd, they’ll offer a few chapters as a First Look, and readers can enter for a chance to win an Advance Reader Copy by jotting in a First Impression.  There are 100 copies up for grabs and each comes with an “Inside the Story” booklet with lots of extra details and information.  So, be sure to pop over there and enter to win!